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[btn link=”https://gemologicalinstituteofgenoa.com/online-gemology-course-free/” color=”red” size=”size-m” target=””]Enroll Here For Free in the Youtube Gemology Course online[/btn]
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A 3 year program (1 day a week). 550 Colored Gemstones, Diamonds, synthetic Gemstones and imitations to be analyzed, 60 questionnaires to complete with 60 chapters of associated text. Gemology course to become a professional gemologist who is qualified to identify any gem or piece of Jewelry, and determine their worth on the market. You will never feel embarrassed when you have to: 1) Open a safe deposit box and determine the value of the content; 2) Put a real value on an object listed in an auction on every corner of the world; 3) Divide the value up fairly between heirs; 4) Define the worth of assets in case of business failure or liquidation; 5) Recommend an appropriate investment solution to a client 6) Determine a true value of assets seized by law enforcement officials etc. This is a core set of skills that can be applied to your amazing future career. In order to enroll in this program you need to have a high School Diploma.
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Twentyfour weeks (one day a week) of an assiduous practice and an in-depth knowledge of Diamond theory. You will receive an in-depth understanding of Diamonds using modern technologies. The Diamond Course displays how G.I.A Diamond grades are established and clarifies the real Diamonds value. But you should understand that it is not enough just to refer to the Rapaport List. Only the best Diamond dealers in the world can use it properly, and some of those dealers are guests in our course. You will learn the dynamics of the market and decide when it makes sense to invest in Diamonds. After the completion of the course we will always keep you updated to ensure no knowledge and experience is lost. You will never be alone. In order to enroll in this program you need to have a high School Diploma or GED. We don’t want our graduates to look at the Diamonds like the Leopardi’s shepherd used to look at the moon.
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The head of the Gemological Institute of Genoa is Gensini Graziano, A.J.P. G.I.A, G.I.A Colored Stones Graduate, Gem-A Certified Gemologist. Mr. Graziano is a G.I.A Accredited Jewelry Professional who has obtained a solid knowledge of Classic and Contemporary Jewelry. In this Jewelry Course you will learn strategies to increase sales as well.
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In case of inheritance you may be involved in the process of safe deposit box is opened. The easiest and most frugal way is to set up a consultation with a G.I.A Jeweler Professional, G.I.A. Colored Stones Program Graduate and Gem-A Certified Gemologist who can help you to save a lot of money and give a true appraisal of your Jewels.
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Gemological Institute of Genoa can assist you with a Precious Stone evaluation and also with a valid Gemstone Appraisal Certificate. We will put a real economic value on your Jewels.
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Have you bought a Diamond from the bank? Are you sure you have made a proper investment? Would you like to know how much your Diamond is really worth and have an appraisal to dispute a seller’s price? And no matter where you are we can help you.
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Entrust us to create your personalized design. Together with you we will draw up a perfect piece of jewelry edged by the gems, even if they can not be found on the Italian market.
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![]() GarnetJANUARY |
![]() AmethystFEBRUARY |
![]() AquamarineMARCH |
![]() DiamondAPRIL |
![]() EmeraldMAY |
![]() PearlJUNE |
![]() RubyJULY |
![]() PeridotAUGUST |
![]() SapphireSEPTEMBER |
![]() OpalOCTOBER |
![]() TopazNOVEMBER |
![]() TanzaniteDECEMBER |
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Dedicated to my 3 year-old daughter Giada (Jade).
I love you with all my heart
and if I could, I would move a sky and stars for you.
A new one-of-a-kind Jade is much more valuable than usual Jade:
The royal child Jade!
You are a Gemstone of heaven.
For thousands of years this Gemstone of heaven was greatly desired by people and had a significant meaning, especially in Asia and Liguria. Jade is the Mystical birthstone for March, and is usually given as a gift for the twelfth wedding anniversary. This is a gem that … Continue
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