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Perizie Ufficiali – Certificati -Diamanti Banca

L’Istituto Gemmologico Genovese rilascia accurate perizie preziosi relative a: 1) Diamanti 2) Gemme 3) Gioielli di qualsiasi tipo. Le perizie e le valutazioni dei Diamanti vengono fatte solo ed esclusivamente al momento, con il cliente presente READ MORE

Apertura Cassette di Sicurezza

L’apertura di una cassetta di sicurezza può avvenire con il notaio, ma anche senza il notaio. Se l’apertura della cassetta di sicurezza deve prender luogo per motivi di successione o per motivi di eredità, voi avete il diritto e la facoltà di scegliere tra le due opzioni. READ MORE

Corso Gemmologia Base

Il Corso viene denominato Base, ma è molto approfondito e vi darà un’importante esperienza pratica nell’analisi delle principali Gemme di Colore e dei Diamanti. READ MORE



E’ Lei la Gemma del Paradiso. Per migliaia di anni la Giada è stata desiderata dagli uomini e ha un significato speciale, READ MORE

Basic Gemology Course

Basic Gemology and Jewelry Course. Duration 12 weeks, one 4-hour lesson each week, to train jewelers and gem enthusiasts to the highest level

Comprehensive gemological experience.

Gain a thorough understanding of gemology, including the properties, identification, and grading of gemstones.

Knowledge of jewelry styles.

This includes an understanding of design principles, cultural influences, and the evolution of jewelry trends over time.

Competence in market price evaluation.

This involves learning about market trends, demand and supply factors, and the criteria used to determine pricing.

High sales percentages.

Techniques include understanding customer preferences, persuasive communication strategies,

Mastery of complete gemological vocabulary.

This will enable clear and precise communication within the gem and jewelry industry, enhancing professional expertise.

Diamond Course

Six-month Diamond Course, lasting twenty-five weeks with a 6-hour lesson each week. The course is focused on the assiduous practice and 360-degree study of the Diamond. In our Diamonds course you will learn about the dynamics of the market and whether, and how, it makes sense to invest in Diamonds. READ MORE

6 Months

Diamonds Course

4 Hour

Lesson each week

Enroll in Course

Three-year course in Gemology

Course in Gemology. Duration of three years, a lesson of 5 hours each week, 550 between Colored Gems, Diamonds, Synthetics and imitations to be analyzed. Sixty written questionnaires to be passed, relating to 60 chapters of text READ MORE

3 Years

Gemology Course

5 Hours

Lesson each week

Enroll in Course


Discover the unique gemstones that represent each month of the year. Birthstones are believed to bring good luck and special benefits to those who wear them. Find the perfect gemstone for your birth month and enjoy its beauty and significance.

Book of Gemology

Embark on a journey through the captivating world of gemstones, guided by the expertise of leading researchers and scholars.

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